Instagram is a great way to stay connected with friends and family all over the world. And with the Instagram app for Windows 10 or 11, you can do just that! With Instagram on your PC, you can easily view your feed, like and comment on photos, and even send direct messages. But what about swiping?

Unfortunately, Instagram does not currently offer a way to swipe through photos on PC. However, there are a few workaround methods that you can use to get the same effect. Here are a few ways to swipe on Instagram on PC:
1. Use your mouse: Simply click and hold down on the photo you want to view, then drag your mouse left or right to move from one photo to the next.

2. Use your keyboard: You can also use your arrow keys to move from one photo to the next. Simply press the left or right arrow key to swipe in either direction.

3. Use a third-party extension: There are a few extensions that you can add to your web browser that will allow you to swipe through Instagram photos on PC. One popular extension is Instagram Swiper, which is available for both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
With these methods, you should be able to view Instagram photos on your computer just like you would on your phone! So go ahead and give them a try.

Theo Faber is a seasoned blogger with a passion for sharing knowledge and expertise on Social Media, Technology, Business, Digital Marketing and many other fields. With years of experience under his belt, he has established himself as a respected voice and influencer in the online community.